Strawberry Pie Berliner Weisse


Berliner Weisse with LOADS of real strawberry, raspberry and lemon, with a hint of biscuity vanilla.

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SKU: BRW018 Category: Brand:

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Brewski is a Swedish microbrewery based in Helsingborg (Sweden). Its name cames from the slang word for beer in some parts of Canada. It was founded by Marcus Hjalmarsson. Marcus decided to become a professional brewer after attending Borefts Festival—a beer festival held in Bodegraven, Netherlands, by De Molen´s Brewery—in 2013. Brewski started brewing fruity beers—with Mango or Passion Fruit—due to their lack of access to quality hops. One of their first success was the mango flavoured ale Mango Feber. Brewski helds a beer festival from 2016, called Brewskival, bringing around 50 breweries from all Europe and the US.

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